Monday, April 20, 2015

All about my dog Honey Bear and her nine puppies

Honey Bear was born on Nov. 24, 2011. Her owners were Derek and Rachel Brooks of Long Beach, California. Little did I know that the day they approached me outside of First Friends Church of Long Beach, that agreeing to adopt her would be one of the best decisions of my life. Little did I know that for the following several years, no matter where I went she would be there with me, and I'd hardly spend a night without her, even when I was homeless and sleeping on the street. Honey Bear, as I named her in the following weeks would become my most beloved pet, faithful, loyal and a pure joy to have in my life.
     There are too many stories to tell. But I am going to try and tell them all. I have decided to start telling the stories that have happened since she gave birth to nine puppies, because when that happened, our little love story turned into a rip roaring sitcom, with personalities springing from nowhere, and more entertaining that the Three Stooges and the Little Rascals combined. Honey Bear gave birth to the nine puppies in May of 2014, after we had moved to Georgia to find a place to live that was not on the street. The first puppy born was Chief Officer. The next blog will be about him.