Thursday, May 21, 2015

Little Wiggles from Planet Puppy Come to Visit Me: Chief Becomes President of the Cuddle

After the last of the little wiggles arrived it wasn't long before group psychology would come into play. True to form, the first born started leading the way, arbitrating for the smaller puppies and keeping the bigger one's in line. Once they started to stand on their own, it wasn't long before they started getting into trouble.

One day Chief noticed that little Asteroid and Big Star were getting edged out of viable nipples. So, like the great leader he is, he sacrificed his meal to run interference on the bigger dogs. The biggest bully early on was Edward G. Robinson. I named him that because the sound he made was similar to Edward G. Robinson, the actor. A sort of "myeah, myeah." Edward was always the biggest and the toughest. He had such a massive body he could just plow over the little ones. He was never vicious though. He was just a bit inconsiderate. But Chief had an excellent ability to use his own body to block Edward. He used speed and agility to alter Edward's course. And in the feeding station (mommy's nipples) he could wedge himself between momma and Edward, and hold him off until the two little biddies (Asteroid and Big Star) got a nipple and started feeding. Then he'd keep playing interference until the biddies were done feeding. Then he let Edward back in, and found himself a nipple as well. But Chief has always been a gallant protector of the weaker puppies in the cuddle. He was always been selfless and put the interests of the entire cuddle before himself. That is why just a month into their lives, the whole cuddle had a vote, including me and mommy bear, and we all voted Chief Officer as the President of the cuddle. And he remains president to this day.

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